W&H Peacock - St Neots

Works comprise of the demolition of certain buildings forming the existing St Neots Auction Centre including the office building, barns and garage and the construction of a new Auction Sales Building linked to the existing sales warehouse to the rear of the site. The works will include diverting existing and installation of new mains services.

To accommodate the development and once the demolitions are complete ground preparations including concrete pad foundations to support a new steel frame structure will commence followed by drainage and service ducts. The facades will be clad with cavity wall construction and timber cladding complimented with a glazed windows and feature entrance brickwork. Works will also include all associated fit out, incorporating mechanical and electrical works, including -


- Passenger & Goods Lift

- Welfare Facilities

- Full Office fit out inclusive of staircases and upper floors

- Mezzanine floor


Externally new courtyard hard standings and boundary enclosure walls including new entrance gates will be constructed. The hard standings will be a mixture of concrete and permeable surfaces. 

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