This project comprises the design and build construction of 50,000ft2 retail building sub-divided into 2 units.
Following the production of the design phase “Site Waste Management Plan”, an opportunity was identified to remodel the construction thicknesses to utilize the existing concrete slab and foundations once crushed to a type 1 specification. The use of this recycled “site won” material helped to enhance the environmental benefits of this scheme to the tune of some 10,000 tonnes of aggregate. This equates to nearly 500 vehicle movements through Milton Keynes that have been avoided, thus helping to reduce the congestion and associated CO2 impact of this scheme on the environment.
Extensive ground modelling works was required to reduce the level of one end of this site by some 3m, which facilitated the installation of a Permacrib retaining wall to the entire North and West boundaries.
This project was designed to produce an overall 10% of its own renewable energy via a 300m2 photovoltaic array mounted on the roof. Also included is all associated external works and drainage along with bypass interceptors, comprehensive ducting installations for CCTV, signage and external lighting. The building fabric including windows, doors, glazing and fencing, all comply fully with Secure By Design requirements. A fully automated sprinkler system has also been installed as well as environmental improvements including diverse, native landscape planting, bird boxes, bat boxes, log piles and Lacewing habitat.
This contract was registered under the Considerate Constructors Scheme.