Ark H, Wilstead, Bedford

Watson Developments 
Woods Hardwick Architects
David Smith Associates


The design and build construction of phase 1 - 40,000ft2 of industrial unit with associated offices and external works. The elevational treatments to this warehouse were of a very high standard with expressed external columns, progressive multi-coloured cladding bands, large bull nose overhanging soffits, reflective glazing and Brise Soleil. All materials were non-standard colours in metallic finishes.

The project achieved a BREEAM “Very Good” rating and provides 10% renewable energy via roof mounted Solar Panels connected back into the national grid. It also makes use of a surface water attenuation system, water conservation measures, best practice noise and dust control, Air Driven Heat Recovery Units and a highly efficient automated lighting scheme. Other environmental improvements include diverse, native landscape planting, bird boxes and log piles. Solar overheating was mitigated by the use of extensive Brise Soleil to the office elevations. 

This contract was registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and achieved a “Beyond Compliance” Award.
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