HG Timber, Gawcott

Bellamy and Wareham 
Seymour Harris Architecture 
Bailey Johnson Hayes
Silcock Dawson & Partners 


The design and build construction of a new production facility for H G Timber Limited consisting of a 28,000ft2 warehouse along with an 8,000ft2 open fronted covered store, together with all associated external works.

This was a challenging site that had a 4m cut to one boundary. In line with our green credentials, the site waste management plan that was formulated for the contract helped us to justify to the planning department that the arisings from these excavations should remain on site and the existing embankment be redesigned and hydro-seeded for stabilisation. The yard areas were all concrete with yard drainage discharging through separators and combining with the roof water to outfall into a small balancing lake that had a very fragile ecosystem. As a result, great care was required in the design stage to ensure this delicate balance was not disturbed.

The construction of these units was traditional pad foundations to support a steel framed structure, with highly insulated composite cladding and curtain walling. Sophisticated lighting and heating controls were also utilized with the whole system being controlled through the Building Management System via the PC on your desk. Extensive CCTV, sophisticated alarm systems, intercom and keypad entry systems, master key access, fully automated sliding gates and Palisade fencing have all added to the high security requirements for this new production facility, for another very happy customer.
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