Bar Hill, Cambridge  

KAM Project Consultants
CMP Architects

The design and build of a single building for class 2B and B8 uses, including associated parking, service areas, hard surfacing, improved site access, substation, landscaping and means of enclosure.

Work comprises of the construction of a steel frame unit to achieve the below stated areas –  Total Site Area: 3.43 acres

Warehouse GIA, Ground Floor 3,300m2, 35,522 ft2 
First Floor Office 446 m2 4,801 ft2
Total 3,746 m2, 40,323 ft2

Warehouse GEA Ground Floor 3,411 m2, 36,717 ft2
First Floor Office 486 m2, 5,231 ft2
Total 3,897 m2 41,948 ft2

The structure will be clad in a mixture of composite and built-up cladding systems, with a built up roof system and outboard trim line gutters and rain water pipes. Aluminium curtain walling system compliments the elevations surrounding the office area, with a projecting canopy above the entrance doors. 3 no Ssteel section overhead and steel fire exit doors will complete the external envelope. 
Internally the structure will be completed with office fit out to both ground and first floor joined from a single central core. Ground floor includes a Male, Female, Disabled & Unisex WC, Conference Rooms, Single Office, Lounge, Kitchen, IT Room, Storage Area, LV Switch Room and Showroom.

The first floor construction with will comprise of a metal deck floor with fit out works as follows – Plant access ladder, Cleaners Cupboard, Female, Disable, Unisex WC’s, Male and Female Changing, Conference Rooms, Kitchen Break out and General Offices. Cellular rooms will be created within the warehouse area to create the Compressor and Tech Room.

All associated M&E to accommodate the fit out are included as detailed on the construction drawings and contract specifications.

Above the office area is a plant deck to house M&E equipment to service the office area. The office and main warehouse will be segregated with the use of composite white wall panelling. 

Internal partitions generally will be designed using suitable drylining systems to meet the specification requirements as details provided by CMP Architects. Ceiling treatments are a mixture of metal frame and ceiling grid with a variance in tile finish.

The structure will be stood on concrete pad foundations following suitable ground improvement techniques through VSC piling to meet the Engineers specification requirements. Building line PCC retaining wall is present to GL I and some areas of GLA.

Externally hard surfacing presents a mixture of finishes, with block paved paths to the building edge, brushed finished concrete service yard and permeable paved car park areas. The main circulation road is constructed with a non-porous tarmac finish. The scheme includes street furniture, cycle shelters and a full soft landscaping scheme.

All below ground drainage, foul and storm pumps, attenuation, ducting and utility infrastructure are included within the works. 

A small section of S278 works are to be completed to the right hand side of the existing entrance off Saxon Road with the construction of a new link footpath.

All works will be completed within the site boundary and no use of adjacent land is required.

This contract has been registered with the considerate Constructors. 

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